Eye Candy

So I finished a bunch of new card designs, several of which I have to add a few effects to...I figured the mushrooms would be plaid with kind of a scratchy, canvas background. The deer and the trees will be several kinds of Japanese patterns, color scheme being purple, greens, and mustard yellow--a little earthy.

Beach weekend was fun...I wasted $5 at the slots and spent $11.95 on cigarettes at Caesar's. W.T.F. Regardless, I was expecting some serious inflation. Juno shat in the house about four times. I think it messes up her sphere of territory when we take her to four different houses consistently, three of which are humongous...and the one that she has no problem with isn't a house. Our apartment is 650 square feet, which doesn't leave a lot of room for disorientation. She knows where to go and where not to go.

I was pretty much perpetually barefoot for the weekend. Score. And wine did floweth abundantly. From about 4 o'clock onwards. For 20 people being in the house, it was pretty peaceful...